from Pompano Beach, FL
William Marsters (aka Richard Masters) born 6 November 1831 - died 22 May 1899, was an English adventurer from Walcote, Leicestershire who settled on ...
This video tells, through a song, the remarkable story of William Ma(r...
William Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act II Scene VII, from LA Theatre Works...
Spike, played by James Marsters, is a fictional character created by J...
dedicated to my bff. pitch, speed change, whatever. youtube didn't car...
This is a defunct video by a fanvidder of yore named Rowena. This is t...
Funny video with James Marsters. Szenes are from Buffy, Chance and som...
The story of spike. Kris Kristofferson's "From the Bottle to the Botto...
James Marsters singing at the after party whoseit of Collectormania 13...