from Urbandale, IA
This is the "I Am the Bitterson" written by Phillip Amerson and perfor...
Clara May's newest video, "Hush" features lead singers Tom Silva and N...
Stuart Chaseman (Vocals), Phillip Amerson (Guitar), Nate Pusateri (Dru...
"TURN U OUT" -HottChyna ft. QB of the Midwest Credits: Producers -Fern...
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Philip Amerson, President of Garrett-Evangeli... T...
Philip Amerson retired to Bloomington, Indiana then he got busy with ...
"Where Else Would a Lamb Be Born?" Performed by Steve Amerson and writ...
Michael Mather and Phil Amerson invite De'Amon Harges (deamon@thelearn...