Stage Manager / Talent Logistics Manager at Various TV Productions
Greater New York City Area
Broadcast Media
Various TV Productions since 1994
Stage Manager / Talent Logistics Manager
The Chase Manhattan Bank 1999 - 2003
Cost Tracking Manager, Credit Card Acquisitions Dept
BMG Columbia House 1996 - 1998
Assistant Manager of Marketing Services
Wenner Media 1995 - 1996
Distribution Manager for Rolling Stone Magazine
Bantam Doubleday Dell 1993 - 1995
Manager of Marketing Fulfillment
In addition to Mr. Weiss, nominated members of his directing team include Associate Directors Ken Diego, Robin Abrams, Ricky Kirshner; as well as Stage Managers Garry Hood, Peter Epstein, Joey Despenzero, Phyllis Digilio-Kent, Andrew Feigin, Doug Fogel, Jeffry Gitter, Arthur Lewis, Jeffrey M. Markow
Christine Miller (1999-2002), Cornelius Sebastian Franklin (2000-2003), Joey Despenzero (1980-1986), Billy Davidson (1994-1996), Marcella Maxwell (1989-1996)