Somerset Tech. Somerset, KY 1998 to 2000 LPN 2 year program in Nursing
Supervision of CNA's<br/>Solid administrative and referral experience including admission and assistance<br/>Treatment and referral for a broad range of patients<br/>Demonstrated ability to lead and motivate outstanding healthcare team to provide top quality care.<br/> Tx and management of pressure ulcers and medication and management.<br/> Tx of stroke patients<br/> Anticoagulant therapy medication and lebs. <br/> management of COPD<br/> Management of Chronic kidney Disease<br/>Management of diabetes and monitoring blood glucose and insulin injections, diet .<br/>Management of heart disease <br/>Surgical wound care<br/>Knowledge of maintaining a wound vac<br/>IV infusion IM and SQ injections. Prepare and administer of medication by oral , sublingual, intravenous, intradermal subcutaneous, topical, dermal and ins halation route.<br/>Establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships with coworkers, families , peers and other health team. Able to collect labs and perform venipuncture and IV catheter, Foley cats and report results to medical personnel. Computor skills <br/>,